
We believe that every cat deserves a warm, safe, and caring environment where they can thrive.

Our mission is simple: to match compassionate individuals and families with the feline companions who will fill their lives with joy, laughter, and endless affection.

Our cats come in all shapes, sizes, and ages, offering a wide array of options for prospective cat parents. Whether you’re looking for a playful kitten to bring energy and laughter to your home or a gentle, older cat to share your heart and hearth, you’ll find your ideal feline friend here.

Adopting a cat is a journey filled with love, and it begins with your visit to Little Cat Rescue of Illinois. We’re here to guide you through the process, answer your questions, and help you make a lasting connection with a cat who’s waiting to become a cherished member of your family. Each cat in our care is not just a pet but a potential companion who will bring endless happiness and affection into your life.

How Much is the Adoption Fee?

Little Cat Rescue is committed to ensuring that every kitten receives the best care possible, which comes with associated expenses. While we don’t have a set adoption fee, we believe in transparency and would like to share the costs involved in providing quality care for our kittens:

  • Spay/Neuter: $125 (Female) / $100 (Male)
  • Rabies Shot: $18
  • FVRCP: $44
  • Flea & Dewormer: $15

Total: $177-$202

Your support in helping cover these essential costs is greatly appreciated. Your donations make a significant difference in our ability to continue caring for and finding loving homes for kittens in need.

How Much is the Adoption Fee?

Little Cat Rescue is committed to ensuring that every kitten receives the best care possible, which comes with associated expenses. While we don’t have a set adoption fee, we believe in transparency and would like to share the costs involved in providing quality care for our kittens:

  • Spay/Neuter: $125 (Female) / $100 (Male)
  • Rabies Shot: $18
  • FVRCP: $44
  • Flea & Dewormer: $15

Total: $177-$202

Your support in helping cover these essential costs is greatly appreciated. Your donations make a significant difference in our ability to continue caring for and finding loving homes for kittens in need.

Introducing a New Cat to Your Home

Introducing a new cat to your home and resident animals (especially cats) can be a delicate process. Cats tend to stress easily, and while they are adaptable creatures, need to be given the appropriate time and space to adjust, both your new feline friend and your regular companions.

Here are some tips for a smooth cat-to-cat introduction:

  • Gradual Introduction: Start by giving the new cat their own space with essentials like food, water, and hiding spots to ease them into the new environment.
  • Scent Swapping: Let them get familiar with each other’s scents by swapping bedding or toys before face-to-face meetings.
  • Slow Visual Introduction: Ease them in with short, supervised visual meetings through a cracked door or gate when they seem calm.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Reward good interactions with treats, toys, and praise to encourage positive behavior.
  • Feeding Time: Create a positive association by placing food bowls on either side of a closed door during feeding time.
  • Supervised Playtime: Once they’re ready, allow supervised interactions and be prepared to step in if things get tense.
  • Allow Escape Routes: Ensure plenty of hiding spots and vertical spaces for them to retreat to if needed.
  • Patience: Each cat will adjust at their own pace, so be patient and consistent throughout the process.
  • Professional Help: If you face extreme challenges, consult your vet or an animal behaviorist for expert advice.

Adoption Archives

The journey to finding your purr-fect feline companion begins here. Whether you’re a seasoned cat enthusiast or a first-time pet parent, our adoption-focused blog articles are tailored to guide you through the process, offer expert advice, and share heartwarming stories of successful adoptions.

At Little Cat Rescue of Illinois, we believe that every cat deserves a forever home, so let these resources be your stepping stones on the path to making that belief a reality!

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